Hello everyone, its riding season for those of us who ride. Due to the fact I have already lost a friend and have had other friends hurt in motorcycle crashes this year. It’s time to remind everybody who rides and those who are in vehicles that safety is very important. When you mow your yard DO NOT MOW THE GRASS IN THE ROAD! Grass is the road is like ice to someone on two wheels. If you do blow grass in the road and a motorcycle wrecks because of it, you will be held liable for the bike and the folks on the bike. Just because folks ride motorcycles does not mean we are bad people. We just like the feel of the open road.
Riding motorcycles on public roads carries several times the risk of riding in cars, which themselves are riskier than public conveyances like buses and trains. The human factors of motorcycle crashes are roughly equal between rider behavior and the actions of drivers sharing the roads. So don’t be rude and mean when you see a bike rolling past you.
Motorcycle Safety Tips: 1. Never ride without a motorcycle license. 2. Always wear an adequate helmet. 3. Check your bike before you ride. 4. Sit down and hold tight. 5. Obey traffic laws and be aware of other vehicles. 6. Watch for damaged roads and obstacles. 7. Get a bike with an anti-lock brake system. 8. Adjust for inclement weather conditions. 9. Dress for protection and visibility.
Safety Tips for Cars When you see or hear a Motorcycle: Remember, motorcycles offer very little protection to drivers and passenger, meaning accidents can be extremely dangerous. Decrease your chances of being involved in a motorcycle accident and keep these tips in mind next time you’re on the road. 1. Look before turning. The majority of car-versus-motorcycle accidents occur in intersections when a car turns in front of a biker. When you’re getting ready to make a turn through an intersection it is important to always look twice. The first look should be for other vehicles, and then take a second look specifically for motorcycles. 2. Check blind spots. Often, motorcycles can go unseen on the roadway. Since motorcycles are much smaller than the typical vehicle, they can “get lost” on the road. It is imperative for drivers to check their blind spots, especially before making a turn or passing another vehicle. 3. Increase driving distance. There are several obstacles on the roadway for every driver, but especially motorcyclists. Motorcycles don’t have the luxury of riding over potholes or other debris in the road with little damage. Increase your driving distance behind a motorcycle in case they have to avoid an obstacle on the road, or they hit something that was unavoidable. 4. Be conscious of the weather. Mother nature is known for causing problems on the roadway, enhancing the chances of accidents. Inclement weather is extremely dangerous for bikers, making it necessary for drivers to use extra caution when driving in difficult weather.
Useless Facts:
1. Rainbows were called “bows of promise” in Victorian English.
2. The lint in the bottom of your pocket has a name, gnarr.
3. Hershey’s makes one million miles of Twizzlers every year.
4. Honey is the only food that does not spoil.
5. Americans eat an estimated 13 billion hamburgers each year.
Local Events:
1. Biblical Citizenship May 1st 6:30pm Calvary Chapel
2. Meet & Greet Red Rum MC 5/6/23 158 New Beason Well Rd. Kingsport, TN 8pm
2. State Street Tattoo Fest May 19th to 21st State Street Bristol
3. Chapel Hart & 8 Second Ride May 28th East TN Distillery
4. Bug Tussle June 2nd to June 4th Elizabethton, TN
5. Thunder Valley Nationals June 9th to 11th
6. WNCJeep Fest June 9th to 11th Maggie Valley
Bike Night:
1. Wednesday – 19E Pit Stop
2. Wednesday – Jonesboro VFW – Dog Tags
3. Thursday - Quaker Steak & Lube
4. Friday - Tulips
1. TN18-8 Poker Run May 6th Black Wolf 9:30am
2. Ride To Fight Suicide May 27th 9am Black Wolf
1. Thunder Beach Bike Rally May 3rd – 7th
2. Thunder In The Smokies May 5th to 7th
3. Boozy Creek Rally May 12th to 14th
4. Myrtle Beach Spring Rally May 12th to 21st
5. True Son MC 37th Bike Rally June 2nd to June 4th
6. Boone Bike Rally June 2nd to June 4th
7. 9th Annual Snake Pit Bike Rally in Shady Valley, TN June 9th to June 11th